Making home-crafted products stand out on Etsy is notoriously challenging. There are so many sellers there and it’s virtually impossible to create a brand of your own.
However, there are ways to do it. It just requires a little research and (surprise, surprise), reading through this post.
Here’s everything you need to know to sell more and make your online Etsy store a roaring success.
Embrace Uniqueness
First of all, you’ll want to embrace uniqueness. Don’t try to do everything the same as everyone else.
Invent a style of your own that others can’t copy easily and stick with it. Make it so that your products are differentiated from the other crafts in the store. Don’t be afraid to be different.
Use Better Photography
Next, focus on making your photography better. Ensure you capture the essence of the objects you want to sell instead of making them look dark, murky, and unattractive.
Taking great commercial photography photos yourself is really challenging and probably not something you can do at home with standard equipment. However, getting a professional photographer to do it for you can often save you a lot of time, money, and hassle. It’s often one payment and it’s done.
If you decide to use your own photography, be critical of your efforts. Ask whether you are capturing the true likeness of your craft products and if images would compel you to buy if you were in your customers’ shoes.
Be Niche
Another pro tip for making your Etsy store a success is to drill down into your niche and follow it as far as it goes. The more you pry, the more opportunities will open up to you.
Don’t just become “niche” in one area. Instead, look for multiple ways you could differentiate what you do from everyone else. For example, you might focus on using a specific technique in combination with a rare material. Or you might do something general, like focusing on “big and fun” objects, not small and weak ones.
Add Accessories
Adding accessories to your products can also help you sell more of them on Etsy. Little additions often make your store look more professional and encourage browsing users to check you out.
If you make clothes, consider using a hang tag. These can make your garments more presentable. Likewise, if you sell jewelry (as many sellers on Etsy do), then always supply it with a handy presentation box.
These little touches force audiences to take you more seriously and compel them to explore your products further. While you will still need to supply quality goods, it can help you make more sales in line with your potential.
Add Shop Announcements
Finally, it helps with Etsy to add shop announcements. These tell your audience more about who you are, how you got started, and what you are trying to achieve.
Aim for a full description of what makes your products special and how you differ from every other brand out there. Write two to three concise paragraphs to get your point across.
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