Be honest, are your fashion choices as sustainable as they could be? If you’re always buying new clothes and chucking the other ones away, then that’s not hugely sustainable. In this day and age, we can’t afford to create such pointless waste. We should be looking for ways to live more eco-friendly lives – and switching to a greener fashion perspective is the easiest thing to do.
Genuinely, it’s way easier than trying to remember all the different recycling requirements or lowering your energy bills. Anyone can enjoy sustainable fashion; you just need to know how to follow it. I’ve got some top tips you’re free to try – and you don’t even have to try them all, just pick whichever ones seem the easiest or most practical for you.
Buy most of your clothes second-hand
People don’t always like the idea of second-hand clothes, but they’re brilliant. With sites like Vinted, it is so easy to find high-quality items that actually look good. Some people will buy an item, wear it once and then sell it. You can pick it up for a bargain price while preventing it from getting thrown away.
It’s simply not worth buying certain things brand new anyway. Unless you’re getting something that you’ll wear all the time and want to last for years – like a pair of shoes or a handbag.
Search for sustainable brands
There are brands out there whose entire mission is to be more sustainable. One that springs to mind is TALA, an athletics/leisure company that makes all of its clothes from recycled materials.
Brands like this are great to invest in because you know you’re buying things that are good for the planet. Recycled clothing takes waste fashion products and turns them into new things once again. So, if you do need to buy some brand-new stuff once in a while, opt for a sustainable brand to keep your fashion carbon footprint nice and low.
Make your own clothes
This might not be practical for a lot of you, but if you’re willing to learn something new it can be super sustainable. Making your own clothes lets you create things from scratch so you don’t participate in fast fashion. Just be careful when buying fabrics online as the colours can sometimes look different in person – always buy from somewhere that allows returns and refunds just in case!
You don’t have to make clothes from scratch by the way! One amazing idea is upscaling old items you don’t wear anymore. For example, take your old denim jeans that are worn and fraying at the bottom and cut them into a pair of cute denim summer shorts. Or, you could combine two old tops together to make something unique and stylish that you’re eager to wear.
These ideas show that you can stop buying new stuff all the time and adopt more sustainable fashion choices. It’s all about reducing your fashion waste and not choosing to buy all of the cheap fast fashion items. Whether you do this buy purchasing second-hand items, shopping at sustainable brands or making your clothes; every little helps.
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