The statement in the above picture is one I often think about. It was written by Magda Gerber who was an early childhood educator in the United States and is known for teaching parents and children. When you have children you pretty much presume they will pick a book up and in time the words will click together and with support from you and teachers, reading will come naturally, like walking and talking. Sometimes it doesn’t, sometimes things happen to make it more difficult than that. In our ...
What do children learn at festivals
I love festivals but my reasons for going to them have over the years changed and my circumstances have certainly changed. Before it was all about me and my friends, now it’s not just about me and my friends; it’s also about my children and considering my reasons for taking them. I want them to enjoy going to to festivals and have plenty of wonderful experiences from going, and from those experiences they can hopefully benefit every day. At the grand old age of 7 by son always talks about ...