You’re first birthday has come and gone. We no longer tend to count your age in months but count it in years. Your moving away from babyhood and becoming a toddler. I fear it won’t be long until you are up and running around.
You love your big brother so much and adore any animal especially the crazy cats, you have such a delightful personality and you are such a happy girl. I love that you dance to any beat, even the terrible out of time beats your brother plays on his drums. I hope you’ll never stop dancing to your own beat.
I love the way you squash your nose and giggle at everything and everyone. I love buying girls clothes and can’t wait to put your hair in plaits but I love the fact you already prefer to be playing in mud and getting dirty in those beautiful clothes and your brother tells me you wont like bunches or ribbons and I feel he may be right.
I love that you are confident and Independent, you dont like being held and prefer to have cuddles from people on your terms but would happily stay wrapped in my arms all day. I love that you give kisses and tease us with giving them.
You are such a happy, relaxed baby and make all around you happy. You are a rainbow baby and with you the sun came bursting out when you arrived. You just can’t know how special you are. You are so very, very loved,
My love as always
Mummy xxx
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