My Mum writes in a diary every single night. I was reminded of the diaries when I recently stayed and went into the cupboard under the stairs. On the shelves she has diaries going back to when my brother and sister were small, so she must have around 50 years worth at least. As far as I’m aware she has never missed a entry, some days the entries are short and just about the weather or what shift she worked that day but other days you have the entries about birthdays, deaths, births, first steps, last steps, first words and last words. It is a wonderful way for myself and my children to look back on not just on her life but of course our lives.
It got me thinking about how we now preserve memories for the next generation and the generation after that. We rely on social media to keep a lot of memories stored away now. Applications like timehop remind us of events and past experiences. One of the main reasons I started this page was to store away memories for my children. We of course have photos, but how many of those photographs actually get printed and seen? Sadly not enough, we generally don’t print them and store them they just get saved away on laptops. That’s fine but it isn’t the same as having it in your hands, and flicking through an album or a diary.
So how can we preserve memories other than locking them away in your mind? I have a few suggestions;
1. If you don’t have time to write in a diary daily at least keep one or a book to write down the big things. Not the weather or what you had for dinner but make sure you take note or first steps and first words.
2. Take photos, but don’t just save them. Please print them. It doesn’t have to be on posh glossy print paper or posh albums. Just use scrap books. Get the children to glue them in and sort them out.
3. Time capsules are fun. Children love to make them and of course if sealed away tight and they manage to resist digging them up a day later they can be a wonderful way of keeping memories
4. Videos. We don’t tend to record enough. My Dad has some wonderful old films not just for seeing old family members but for seeing bits of history and the children love it.
5. Saving toys and clothes. I have several bits from each child put away in memory box’s. I’m not sure how interested in years to come they will be in a vest or hat but for now they will be kept safe for them to one day own.
6. Keeping art work and creations. Don’t go mad on this one, you dont need boxes and boxes of every scribble or mark but yes the special pieces and I belive you will know exactly what those pieces are. Keep them and treasure them.
7. Pass on stories. I think this is one of the most important. I have probably heard some stories 100 times now but it doesn’t matter. I love to hear about past generations and my son loves a story. He often asks about his great grandad. The great Ronald Rudge, winner of the TT races and a man who’s adventures could fill 50 books alone.
The above are just some of my suggestions. I would love to know your ideas and the way you preserve memories. Pop me a message in comment and let me know. Now lets all go and make some memories to preserve.
Plutonium Sox says
You’re so right, it’s so important to look after our memories. I have a 100 year diary for each of the girls, I should write in it more.
admin says
I didn’t even know you could get 100 year diaries! I think as long as you can take note of the really important bits, good or bad it’s fine. I’m going to ask for a nice journal style one for my birthday 🙂