October 2019. A campsite in Cornwall, the rain lashing down while we sat in the caravan. “You know what? I want a beach holiday, lets look at heading to the south of France next year when we go. Guaranteed sunshine, white sands, turquoise seas, bliss. Lets do it” Fast forward 2 years, 10 months later. Article 50 has been signed, the UK has left the EU, and a new respiratory virus has changed the world. We’ve lived through unprecedented times, our lives but on hold, milestones for the children ...
New UK study looks at music and driving habits
New UK study looks at music and driving habits A new study published by national car leasing firm All Car Leasing has unearthed some fascinating results on the audio habits of UK motorists. In this blog we’re going to break down some of the core points they’ve raised to share with our audience, we’re sure you’ll all find something interesting here and if not, then you can take a look at the really good infographic they’ve made or even listen in to the podcast the guys recorded ...
5 Reasons to choose Sicily for your next family Holiday
If you haven’t already, it’s definitely time to plan your next holiday or at least start taking a look at some of the best places to visit. If you’re thinking about visiting Italy, then you shouldconsider going to the island of Sicily. Here are 5 good reasons Sicily might be the ideal destination for your next vacation.1. Gorgeous beachesBeing the second largest island in the Mediterranean, ...
4 Tactics for a road trip with young kids
If you've got kids, then you'll understand that things can get fractious when boredom sets in. From tears and tantrums to annoying their siblings, kids will find other things to occupy them if there isn't anything to do. The bad news for parents is that this response to boredom can end up being amplified significantly on long and boring car journeys. Put it this way: if you're bored on a car journey, then imagine what it's like for your kids! Here are four tactics that can help to ease ...
Ferry travel with young children
We love taking the caravan to France and that involves getting the ferry. This Summer will be the fourth time we have done the journey. We have done it with the children at all different stages this time we will have a 4 year old and 10 year old to entertain which I am hoping will be easier than the toddler stage when she just wanted to keep moving all the time. Without a doubt the worst journey we had was getting caught in delays near Dover. Stuck for hours and hours I had never been so ...
Driving me round the bend
This summer, we are spending three weeks towing our Caravan though western France into Spain. We start our journey from home to Portsmouth, then the Ferry to Caan, on down though Le Mann, Ile de Rae, Biarritz and then in Spain and the ferry home from Santander. 860 miles. 860 miles towing 1.75 tonnes with three bikes on the roof, two children in the back, dog in the boot, wife navigating (and mediating!). There has been a recent survey about distractions while ...